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welcome to my journal! this is a little place for me to illustrate my thoughts and such. vaguely a diary/blog sorta thing.


where do you want to go?


august 21st, 2024: third day of being back at college. graaaaaaaaaah. gonna try to stay positive and keep a good mindset :P am writing for one of the uni's official publications tho so that's cool. doesn't feel real yet. summer doesn't feel real either though. time moves like waves and i am a crab who lives in the shallows constantly getting tumbled around. i think about the butterfly effect a lot, like how if i had renewed my passport i wouldn't have gotten into a car accident. hindsight is 20/20 of course, but it's still annoying to think of what i could have done differently. oh well. going to work on an assignment now. ironically the assignment is to make a website but it has to be """professional""" and my prof is an ai glazer so i know she wouldn't approve of anything that looks like this :P i'll try to use this place more frequently since it's kinda fun to blare my thoughts out into my tiny corner of the internet that's covered in cobwebs


july 23rd, 2024: goodness i am sleepy. so freaking sleepy. been working for ten hours a day multiple times a week. need to make a doctors appointment. gonna go do that now. really need to clean my living space too its abysmal :P


july 15th, 2024: going to be reestablishing a schedule for myself to follow. accidentally got busy and then proceeded to forget to update my website for two weeks :P unfortunately got kicked out of my honors program at uni bc my gpa dropped too low after Having A Bad Time last semester, so that is rather disappointing.

feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment because i have a lot of cleaning to do, internship stuff to do, school stuff to prep for, and a bunch of hobbies i just started that i want to practice and get good at. i am rollerskating and skateboarding now :D i am not good at either one of them, but i'm learning fast so it's ok. it's hard for me to manage my time without getting overwhelmed, but it's a necessary skill i gotta build. i'm working to be better and improve.


  • start using my task list notebook again
  • blocking out my time in a way where i can get 3-4 things from my list done per day
  • do a little bit at a time of chores like laundry and dishes insteada letting them pile up

june 28th, 2024: whew i am tired. did a whole lot of coding the past few days but i'm kinda addicted now which is awesome. never liked coding much until now. i really would like some katsu curry udon but japanese curry is such a pain to make from scratch and i don't have any of the boxed stuff. i also would need to buy chicken for it but my car is Dead and Gone. so i guess it'll be frozen dumplings for woog again today :P